Do Eyes Paint Colors with Cones?

Do Eyes Paint Colors with Cones?

Imagine the world like a big, dark room. You wouldn’t be able to see anything without light!

Light is like a magical superpower that lets us see everything around us. It’s a kind of energy that travels super fast, much faster than you can run!


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Think of the sun as a giant light bulb in the sky. It sends out light waves in all directions, like ripples in a pond. These light waves bounce off objects and travel to our eyes, letting us see their colors and shapes.


About Light:

  • Light is a form of energy that helps us see things.
  • It comes from sources such as the sun, light bulbs, or flashlights. When light travels, it moves in a straight line called a “ray.” Just like a straight line you draw with a ruler, light travels in a similar way.
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Light Spectrum:

  • Electromagnetic radiation is a special type of energy that travels in waves through space.
  • It’s like a wave of energy that can move without needing anything else to carry it.
  • There is a part of electromagnetic radiation that allows us to see things, and it’s called the visible light spectrum.

Visible Light:

  • This is the type of electromagnetic radiation that allows us to see the world around us.
  • Visible light comes in different colors, like red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.
  • Each color has a different wavelength.


  • Color is the way our eyes perceive different wavelengths of light.
  • It’s what makes objects look different from one another.
  • When light shines on an object, some of the light is absorbed, and some is reflected back to our eyes.
  • The colors we see are the result of the reflected light.
  • If the wavelength reflected by the object is green, the color perceived by the human eye is green.
  • If the wavelength reflected by the object is black, the object absorbs all wavelengths.
  • If the wavelength reflected by the object is white, the object reflects all wavelengths.

Mixing colors:

  • Did you know that white light is actually made up of many colors?
  • When you shine white light, like sunlight or light from a flashlight, through a prism, it splits into different colors and creates a beautiful band of colors. This is called a spectrum.

Unlike pigments, the primary colors of light are red, green, and blue.

The secondary colors are:
green + blue = cyan

blue + red = magenta

red + green = yellow

  • When you combine the primary colors of light: red, green, and blue, they will reflect white light.

Colors and Vision:

  • Inside our eyes, we have special cells called cones.
  • These cones are like tiny sensors that detect different colors.
  • There are three types of cones that detect red, blue, and green colors.
  • When light enters our eyes and hits the cones, they send signals to our brain.
  • Our brain then combines these signals to create the colors we see.

Cones: When light enters our eyes, these cones detect the different colors and send signals to our brain, which helps us see and recognize different colors.


Rods: When it’s dark outside or in a dimly lit room, our rods become more active, allowing us to see things even when there isn’t much light.

  • When light waves from a source hit a green object, the green color will be reflected.
  • The light waves will then enter the eyes, where cones and rod cells convert them into signals.
  • The brain receives these signals and interprets the color of the object as green.

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