How to become a Failure?



Well, why will one want to be a failure? Exactly, nobody wants to be a failure, rather I would say nobody wants to taste failure!

But it’s high time that we need to teach ourselves and younger ones how to handle failure since it is essential to do so.

Primary causes of failures might be lack of skills, but what is more important is whether we are ready to TEACH ourselves to learn and improve, remember Never Give Up!

It might take a while to do so, but will definitely graph up at least from 1 to 2, considering previous knowledge.

However if there is a failure despite all the skills and efforts put in, it must be dealt even more significantly. For instance, a Student has worked hard and put his/her best efforts and prepared for the examination yet couldn’t crack it. Consider another example, where an Employee does all he/she should for the growth of the firm/company, at the end of the day expecting a mere Promotion, is no sooner disappointed with dull reasons.

It’s quite surprising with the fact that Failure is the biggest reason behind any Success or an Achievement, yet nobody wishes to adopt it in the first place. Well, this is certain that no Success is static either. So why not taste the failure in order to bring more success into our lives. There’s a saying “Success doesn’t teach anything, Failure does!” 

Furthermore here are the 5 best reasons as why and how one should become a failure:

  • The very first reason is to be successful in teaching oneself to accept the failure and proceed to try again.
  • Secondly, one can change the perspective towards a subject only when he/she fails in the first place. Thomas Alva Edison is a good example as he failed 10,000 ways to invent the bulb.
  • Third reason is to gain self respect. I know it makes no sense when read from the surface. Yet we can’t deny the fact that whenever we improve ourselves we do appreciate and feel good from within. Thus leading to self respect. Let’s say you are playing a game, just by reaching level 2 from level 1 if you could feel this, then imagine with all the real things out there.
  • If success has neither a definition nor it is static, then what’s the point in just hovering around it? Instead, one has to learn to be a failure often and seek more ways to improve things within and around.
  • After a Success, there is nothing much to handle except ego. Besides it creates an unidentified pressure as how to retain it as perceived before. On the other hand, Failure teaches us to be modest enough to identify our mistakes and most importantly not repeat them as we are aware of it already. Every time there is a failure, your chances of failure are reduced. This is because we are aware of all those little mistakes or modifications, each time it is changed, leading to near perfection and hence towards success.

We should change this perspective of seeing Failure essentially not to just remain as a failure, but to change the way things are dealt, thereby leading to obvious Success. 

I say Obvious Success because I believe; it should not just remain as a onetime Success or achievement for anyone who wants to grow in all aspects.

In this fast growing world, let Success not become an obstacle for Our Real Life Learning process. Consequently, allow Failure to be a part of our life in order to make the best out of it!

Hope it makes you think of it…

  • By Sirisha Atharva Nava

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